Table For Six Sir ….. No Problem !!

Sorry, sorry, sorry I have been absent for a while but there has not been much to report lately but I’m  baaaack  – well at least I’m back for this post 🙂

We finally have our table top.  We did order from Avery Glass in Miami – 46″ Round, Half Inch Thick,  Flat Polished Edge, Starphire and Acid Etched…..whew that was a mouthful !!  It was crated and shipped via Tropical (quickly becoming our new best friend) and Les went to pick it up in trusty Y-Worie – thank goodness for pick-up trucks when living on an island.

It was crated perfectly …….

Tabletop of truck

He then unloaded all 160 lbs by himself –  how he does this I have no idea !!!

He uncrated and then carried the glass upstairs (90 lbs) again by himself but I was on gate and door opening duty and then time to see if it works in the space.  

We think it looks great and is the perfect size…..


It seats four people comfortably and will even seat six with ease…..




I do have another chair but was too lazy to go and get it for the photo.  In the photo it looks like six might be a tight squeeze but I think it must be the angle as there is plenty of room  – even for knees 🙂

It is perfect for those rainy days when you don’t want to eat on the deck.  We do need banquet cushions (obviously) but can’t decide on fabric colors (update on that “issue” soon come) so for now we just pull over the cushions from our old loveseat.  This photo gives you an idea what it might look like finished although the cushions will be three total – one under the window, one along the wall on the right in the photo and one in between on the stencil wall and not a series of small pillows/cushions….

Today is Easter Sunday and it is a rainy, blustery day so we are going to spend the day looking over my “accumulated” ideas for a pool, so stay tuned for an update.

I think my next post will be a photo summary of where we started and where we are to date – should be fun looking back 🙂

May I suggest that if you would like to be updated when I post a new entry, that you click on the “notification” link on the home page – might be really useful once we start the pool process.  Until then look out for my “Before” and “After” post which soon come.



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19 Responses to Table For Six Sir ….. No Problem !!

  1. Margo says:

    It looks absolutely beautiful, Dianne! When did you stencil the wall? I must have missed a post! The “Before & After” is going to be fun!

    • NancieM says:

      So nice to have you back again, Dianne! 🙂
      That table was well worth the wait and there’s a very Zen look to it all. Looking forward to the “Before and After”.

      Off topic here… Margo, could you please post your blog address here so I can add it again to my favorites. When my computer crashed I lost everything and can’t seem to get your blog back. Thanks in advance.

  2. laurafranks says:

    Wow- looks really great! I really like that pale green color of the temporary cushions ;-). VERY excited to hear about pool progress!!

  3. Linda (lprof) says:

    What??? You are getting a pool? I would not have imagined that! 🙂
    The dining area is perfect; I agree… Zen!

  4. Beth says:

    I think with out place mats you could squishy seat seven 😉 Looks wonderful!!!

  5. Shoemak38 says:

    the forum will all be over for dinner….. Monday April 1st

  6. Joel Jacot says:

    Love it girlfriend 😀 I have checked out this blog once a month to see the table!! Perfect fit and choice. Can’t wait to see the rewind! xixx Kathleen, not Andy

  7. Pam says:

    Hi Pia…I follow your blog religiously and feel like I know you. We LOVE St. John and have travelled there many times. Our next trip is booked for Christmas 2013. We, too, dream of purchasing a home in St. John, but we have a limited budget. Occasionally, I look at real estate, and I recently saw a condo in Cruz Bay called Bethany Condos. It’s a 2-bed, 2-bath, 1200 square foot place that is listed for 395,000. It almost looks too good to be true for St. John! If you wouldn’t mind my asking a couple of questions…I’m wondering what kind of expense would be involved in purchasing such a place…things like monthly assessment, taxes, unknowns. Please keep your blog going, in a way, we get to live through you!

    • onawhimstjohn says:

      Hi there

      Thanks for following along it has been quite a journey but a great one ( not over yet still need that pool 🙂 )

      Yes we know the unit very well (well Les does) and it is one of his favorites. Look for an email with information and he has a P&L on the unit if you would like to see it.

      Stay tuned 🙂

  8. Wanda says:

    Have you dropped off the face of the earth? Waiting for a new post.

    • onawhimstjohn says:

      Hi Wanda

      I know it sure feels like it doesn’t it. I am trying to get a new post together so hopefully very soon.

      Thanks for following along

  9. Tim Weller says:

    The dining area is beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing! Look forward to pool pictures.

  10. Pam says:

    I would SO love to know where you got this stencil for the kitchen’s back wall and what color you used!

  11. Dianne, I have a practical question. I want a built-in bench in my nook. Love yours,especially 3″ foot space! Question: how sturdy are your benches? It appears that all the weight of the sitting area relies on the upper frame, which is not connected to the bottom one, with no support in the middle. I hope I make sense. Thnx!

  12. Rachel Riesgo says:

    I love this!! awesome job!…I was wondering if you can send me the blueprints or sizes to the benches. I would truly appreciate it.

    • onawhimstjohn says:

      Thank you so much for the kind words – we love it. Unfortunately no blueprints for these my husband just “figured it out” and started building.

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