Drum Roll Please……….


Wait for it, wait for it………….before the unveiling I have more to talk about (what a surprise) If you remember Les had just decided he wanted to paint the entire inside of the house vs just the new header because “old” paint and “new” paint would not blend and it turned out to be a great idea – I was resistant at first as I just wanted to be done – but now it is finished it is soooo clean and fresh 🙂 

We needed to (finally) trim out the windows before we could paint so that was first on the agenda – boy do they stand out…….

Then it was on to painting everything.  I decided to paint the window trim the same color as the walls instead of the more traditional white as I felt white would have made the room feel more closed in and I wanted them to disappear into the view and look seamless.   Once that was accomplished there was nothing left to do except finally set up the room with it’s “permanent” furniture.  There was a media center to unpack that had sat in it’s box for over a year, and truth be told, I couldn’t even remember exactly what it looked like and neither of us could remember the colour – we knew it was dark grey/brown/black (maybe) but what exact tone was a mystery to us.

Here’s hoping we like it as we can’t return it !!!

Now for the unveiling – drum roll please………..


It still needs decorating – the room is definitely in need of warmth, texture and colour – so a rug, pillows, artwork, “chotchkies” (although not many of them – I think by now you know I am not a chotchkie kind of girl) and of course the new larger sofa which is now due in January as the fabric is backordered with ottomans in the same fabric that will serve as a coffee table/foot rest (our old coffee table in the photo is only temporary) will all make a difference but they will have to wait so I can visualize exactly what accent colour/pieces I want to use. 

I am leaving tomorrow for 5 days and Les plans to build our banquette seating while I am gone.  I might post again today (or first thing tomorrow) our options so stay tuned – and especially check back next week to see how that turns out.


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5 Responses to Drum Roll Please……….

  1. SOonthebeach says:

    Looks FANTASTIC!! Congratulations!!

  2. Beth says:

    WOW, Looks Beautiful, Open and Spacious!!! Safe travels, my trip was canceled 😦 See you when you return!!

  3. EngRMP says:

    The first time I looked at that 2nd picture I saw the paint, the window framing and all the stuff piled up on the floor. Then, I took a 2nd look: wow!!!! the view out the windows is fantastic!!!

  4. Shoemak38 says:

    very nice. your both must be very happy to see your hard work paying off.

    I like the idea of painting tirm the same color

  5. Margo says:

    It all looks so wonderful! What huge changes you have made! I bet you’re so thrilled with your “new” house! Now comes the fun part….decorating it all! 😀

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