Off To See The Wizard……..Again

Yep, I’m off to Kansas City again leaving Les to work, work, work (don’t worry he loves it)

The plan while I am away is to finish the never ending sanding project (1 more day) and then paint the posts and ceiling.  He chose the correct time to paint the ceiling (while I am away) because once it is painted, it’s painted and no changing of colors – if you remember we had a heck of a time trying to find a color for the eaves but if you have forgotten here is the link to “Smokers Yellow”

Smokers Yellow Ceiling

So I will leave you with another of my favorite pictures of St John (as I have no updated photos of the house)  Stay tuned for photos of the newly painted deck ceiling and posts in about a week.

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1 Response to Off To See The Wizard……..Again

  1. Coden says:

    Looking forward to more pics. Safe travels!!!

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