The Escape Artist Known As Tiki

So far we love our new railings and gate except (due to unforeseen circumstances ie: the degree of the angle of stairs and landing when built by the previous owners) the gate we had to order is not quite long enough and Tiki has discovered that, even though shaped like a barrel, she can fit underneath and escape !!!  The good news is that once she is under and out she freaks out and wants back in 🙂

Our solution to this was to attach left over railings to the bottom of the gate.  We did think about ordering the next size gate but then it would “stick” up above the stair railings and I think that would look really strange.


Our escape artist….

First you cut to size, file the edges and spray paint the filed edges….

Epoxy and clamp….

Viola – new escape proof (we hope) gate….

Doesn’t she look pitiful 🙂


The post on the left of the gate is being replaced and will (when it arrives) be the same height as the one on the right (small measuring error on our part – oops)

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3 Responses to The Escape Artist Known As Tiki

  1. SOonthebeach says:

    And it looks so great, too! Love the pathetic shot of Tiki. No more escaping into the wild world!! Too funny.

  2. Nancie-PA says:

    This is why you and Les are the go to people for any kind of building/construction problems. Me…I would have stuck some chicken wire along the bottom and thought “Yeah,that’ll do it!” LOL!
    Tiki (great name BTW) is too cute!

  3. Coden says:

    Pitiful…but safe ; )

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