Adding To The “You Can Never Have Too Much Storage” Statement

We have added even more.

This weekend Les built the downstairs bench outside of our guest room.  We decided to use the leftover decking to give it a uniformed look and decided it would be a waste to not have the bench seat open for storage – so storage it is.  We figure it will be a perfect place to store the beach bags and for guests to throw in their flip flops etc when retuning from the beach as it will help to keep the sand out of the room and it will be very easy to vacuum the sand out.

The area before….



Open for storage….

View from the bench….

Next on the agenda is to replace the kitchen windows which requires us (and by “us” you know I mean Les) to chip the old ones out of the concrete wall.  This is scheduled for Saturday – Friday is a visit to St Thomas – so stay tuned for an update over the weekend.  Remember you can be added to our automatic notification which will, via email, update you when a new entry has been posted 🙂


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9 Responses to Adding To The “You Can Never Have Too Much Storage” Statement

  1. laurafranks says:

    Now that’s what I call a bench with a view! I need some built in seating in my kitchen- can I borrow Les? Ha! And I love the pic from the previous post of Cosmo on the screen. You must go through screens a LOT!

    • onawhimstjohn says:

      Yes we do (haha) We probably change the lower screen (or we used to) at least twice per week – sometimes three or four times…yikes !!

      ps: once we have all tasks finished and Les has built the banquet seating in my “soon come” dining area he will be available 🙂

      • laurafranks says:

        The things we do for the love of our animals 😉 Of course, I have been known to walk through a screen or two myself- oops….

        Great- so Les will even have exact experience building dining seating (not that the whiz kid couldn’t figure it out)- bonus!!

  2. Nancie-PA says:

    With a view like that, you could charge at least $100 a day for that bench! 🙂

  3. Coden says:

    Les – The Master!!!!

  4. Coden says:

    I am already starting to go through withdrawals “fearing ” when you are going to be complete. Can y’all start building a house or something? ; )

    • onawhimstjohn says:

      Never fear we are not done yet 🙂 We are slowing down but still have the following……..paint the post and deck ceiling, chip out kitchen windows, remove interior load bearing wall (which might require removal of part of the roof 😯 ) install “foot wash” in the driveway for when we return from the beach and then maybe build the POOL !!!! Stay tuned update soon come 🙂

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