Batten Down The Hatches

We are hermetically sealed – no light, no breeze no view !!!

In preparation for the removal of the interior and exterior walls, Les needed to be able to seal off the room he will be working in, I mean we really don’t want to be sitting in the house open to the elements  or the 40′ drop on the other side !!!!  He already *sealed* one opening so he could pile the furniture in front of it and today I arrived home to find we have a new *door* where our other opening used to be.  He nailed plywood to the opening and installed a door so he can (obviously) work inside….

So he removed part of one of the window frames and found dead termites (hey at least they were dead) and then started on the removal of drywall which was super easy as it was barely attached – his comment was “could they have used shorter screws – I think not”

Look close for dead termites….

Removal of drywall….

Now because he will be framing in 2″x 6″ vs the original 2″x 4″ he needs to cut 2″ of tile so that he can lay the new sill – here is the first cut which pretty much was the last cut as he needs a new hefty blade….

The line marks the spot….


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2 Responses to Batten Down The Hatches

  1. Coden says:

    As our dear, dear Gilda Radner would say….It’s always something!!

    And me, the only good termite is a dead termite.

    Good luck!!

  2. It’s amazing how many things you have to do in order to do what you want to do! I am constantly amazed at what Les can do!

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