How To Spend $4,000 in 60 Seconds……..

Buy 2 exterior hurricane doors – yes I really did say only ย 2 !!!!! and actually the total was $4,208.95 – oh the joy of living in a hurricane zone ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

The next “big” expense will be hurricane shutters (unfortunately a necessary expense) and because we have no way of closing the shutters on the second floor – remember we have no deck once the scaffolding is down so no way to walk out and pull them down we have two choices….

  1. Electric motors operated by remote control
  2. Manual shutters that require a *crank* that is on the inside next to the window
We have a total of 10 windows that will require either option 1 or option 2 and given that the electric motors cost approximately $600.00 each my first thought was to go with option number 2 – I mean how bad can a manual *crank* look given I was told it is only about 2″ long. ย Each window would require it’s own *crank* and it would be located next to the window where you would be able to attach a ย handle (for the want of a better word) and then lower the hurricane shutter from the inside. ย Well judge for yourself and then guess which option we are going with ๐Ÿ™‚

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10 Responses to How To Spend $4,000 in 60 Seconds……..

  1. Do you need a $600 motor for EACH window? Or one $600 motor for all 10 windows? If it’s for all 10, I’d vote “electric motor!!”

  2. Coden says:

    I’m sorry, but do you want a mini peni$ hanging anywhere!!! ๐Ÿ˜† Sorry, couldn’t resist. Bad, bad, bad…hit me with a hammer!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Coden says:

    Ok – seriously now…what if the electricity has gone out BEFORE you were able to close the hurricane shutters? Is there a way to still do it manually?

  4. Coden says:

    Generators are a good thing….I would go with the motor powered shutters then. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. Waterguy says:

    I’m cheap there I said it. I would go manual and build some type of trim to cover it

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