Sunday We Started A New Chapter In The Remodel

Sunday was a fabulous day in terms of progress – weather was good as the Tropical Wave had moved out.  I walked the girls to allow Les to get an early start and when I returned I returned to this………

Which soon turned into this ….

It’s a little hard to tell but there are no walls at all – the large X you see is the bracing on the scaffolding behind Les (and yes I made him change T Shirts as he was sooooooo *glistening* 🙂 )

And now the framing can begin.  Remember from yesterdays post, we are moving the entrance to the room so Les needed to frame the door.  The door will be on the right (in these pictures) and on the left of the door will be a unit with the flat screen TV.  All of the old walls had been framed in 2″x 4″  – Les’s comment when removing them was “I can’t believe how easy it is to tear this down” – he framed the new walls in  2″x 6 ” and his comment was “I feel sorry for the next guy that tries to remodel this” – so I think that means it’s sturdy 🙂

Now it was time for plywood to be installed.  First we are installing plywood, then over that will be cement board then mesh then blue tinted Total Wall (a stucco type product). First section of plywood……..wooo hooo

From the inside you can see the framing of the door clearer….

We decided not to cut out the plywood revealing the door opening as there really isn’t any point until the doors are here and it protects the inside of the room.  Tomorrow Les is moving around the lower level and will begin the removal of the long wall that will have the two windows and begin framing and maybe even get plywood up on part of that section as well so stay tuned 🙂


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5 Responses to Sunday We Started A New Chapter In The Remodel

  1. Margo says:

    Les’s framing certainly looks more “sturdy” than the original! Good job Les! It’s looking awesome! I never had a clue when you started remodeling your kitchen that it would turn into a whole house remodel! So excited for you to watch you little piece of paradise blossom! 😀

    • onawhimstjohn says:

      Yes it was the plan all along…………7 years ago now since we closed on “On A Whim”

      The first year we had long term renters living here, then we moved and lived here for 3 years which was the best thing really as it gave us a chance to decide how we wanted to live and to get used to the volcanic ash and the Sahara dust and see how it affects finishes and also see just how much the dust and ash get into every nook and cranny (so no fancy detailing on trim work) and then the remodel began and continues 🙂

  2. Coden says:

    My, my, my…you all – Les 😉 – are moving like gang busters!!

    Is the new door leading out to the enlarged deck? Or just down to the lower level?

  3. Coden says:

    Got it…groovy new door to groovy new deck w/ groovy new furniture = Sweet life!! 🙂

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