I Am Painters Tape Happy

Sorry Waterguy (please read the “comments” on the July 17th entry titled “it’s amazing what you can do with painters tape” if you are unsure what I am talking about) but I couldn’t resist 🙂

So staying with the window placement *dilema* I decided to double check my downstairs window placement…………uh oh !!!!  Well it’s not really “uh oh” as they would have been fine until you add into the equation that we need an additional electrical panel for the new split air conditioners, the electric hurricane shutters and a few other minor electrical *thingies* (love my terminology don’t you) and we have no other option but to have it in the downstairs room and the only location will be between the windows.  Now, when you add in the fact that I have this need to have everything symmetrical and because should the next owners of this home (we are not selling but you do have to plan for the future) decide that they want to cover the really ugly electrical panel with a 25″ picture frame containing a beautiful St John beach photograph hung vertically, you have to plan for it – I mean I won’t be covering with a 25″ picture frame containing a beautiful St John beach photograph hung vertically, no sir because it is illegal to do so !!!!

There is one support post that (obviously) has to stay where it is as it is (obviously) holding up the second floor of the house and the electrical box will be to the right of it when standing in the room with a window on either side.  For the electrical box, should the (way in the future) future owners of “On A Whim” decide to place a 25″ picture frame containing a beautiful St John beach photograph hung vertically over said box and have the same amount of distance between the edge of the frame and the start of the windows, the windows needed to be moved from where I originally planned for them to be.  Here is a photo showing where the new windows will be placed, the short piece of painters tape showing the electrical box location and the longer piece of painters tape showing the “never going to be hung” 25″ picture frame containing a beautiful St John beach photograph hung vertically and then 8″ away from said nonexistent frame, the windows………..

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1 Response to I Am Painters Tape Happy

  1. Margo says:

    Believe it or not, I completely understand and I agree. You have to make certain “concessions” on behalf of the future (not that you’re selling, of course) owners. I like the placement of the windows very much. 😀

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