Scaffold Progress – 99.9% done

Les worked yesterday on the upper level and I am pleased to report he is safe, it is 99.9% finished and it is sturdy (yes even I went out on it) ………wooo hooo.

There is one small section that he still needs to build and he was going to wait as it will be built in front of a concrete section of the house so there is no rush to have it built right away (there is no T1-11 to be replaced) but as it will need painting – the reason for the scaffolding – I think he should just go ahead and push forward and be done.

Next up we think is to replace/repair one section of a roof rafter (he has promised to wear a harness while on the roof) remove the guttering, power washing the underside of the roof overhang so it can throughly dry before painting, remove the lower section of  T1-11 and then remove an interior wall and drywall from the interior of the guest room  downstairs (so really start to gut the downstairs room) – going to be a busy weekend (OK, that’s a joke I don’t think even Les can do all of that in a weekend but I wouldn’t bet that he can’t so stay tuned)

Here is his progress in pictures………

Perfect cuts in the scaffold “floor”

Fits like a glove….


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2 Responses to Scaffold Progress – 99.9% done

  1. Coden says:

    That scaffold is sturdy enough looking that even I would walk on it. Heck, put me a cot out there, a banky and pillow, and I’ll even sleep on it. 😉

    Good job Les and keep up the good work!

  2. Margo says:

    I think the scaffold should become a permanent observation deck around the house! LOL! Good work, Les!!

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