He Turned The Corner………

With the scaffolding……….

Apart from being dive bombed by an angry momma bird who apparently has a nest of babies really close to where the scaffolding is being built (in the storage area behind Les in the above photo) and running out of lumber…………….again, Les had a successful day 🙂

He finished the existing level of scaffolding, including turning the corner so tomorrow, after he picks up more lumber, he will start the next level so stay tuned.

More pictures of today……..

Finished front “runway”


Turned the corner….
Close up of our windows and siding that are being torn off and replaced – pretty aren’t they – can you believe we were told by a very well respected, long time island builder (retired) “it’s looks OK just nail it back down” – c l e a r l y he doesn’t know me very well which is exactly what Les told him 🙂

Love the screws protruding out !!!
How we ended the day…….


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9 Responses to He Turned The Corner………

  1. StJohnDream says:

    First of all, I miss you!!! Second I love your new Tervis Tumblers!!!! Third, I could use one of Les’s Margaritas :). Fourth, I miss you!!!!!!!

    Ps the scaffolding looks good

    • onawhimstjohn says:

      Are you sure you haven’t had one of Les’ s margaritas 🙂

      Seriously, we miss you guy’s too – come home I need my weekly lunch date and once the deck is on we can sit and have Les’s *knickers off* margaritas in Tervis tumblers on our new furniture……..wooo hooo.

  2. Waterguy says:

    tell Les to be careful enough sad times on Island from falls

    • onawhimstjohn says:

      He is sick of me saying – “be careful” but I’m not going to stop. I keep going out on the scaffolding and making him add braces if I think the “hole” is too big (if I can go through it I make him add another) – so much tragedy here right now and I keep telling him it only takes a split second to forget where you are.

  3. Coden says:

    Great job on the scaffolding, it sure takes a lot of time to “set” the job up!

    The margarita’s look awesome (care to share the recipe?), and I am addicted to Tervas tumblers…I have a mess of them in my cabinets and they are the only glasses I use most days.


    • onawhimstjohn says:

      They are Les’s world famous “Knickers Off Margaritas” – here you go 🙂

      1) Fill glass with ice (hint use small glasses)
      2) Fill glass 3/4 full with Tequila
      3) add equal amounts of Grand Marnier, Cointreau and Roses Lime Juice
      4) Transfer to a shaker but do not shake – pouring it in it just mixes it all up
      5) Squeeze lime wedge into mixture and use the wedge to moisten rim of glass and salt if you want.
      6) Transfer to glass and enjoy

  4. Coden says:

    Holy-moly-macaroni!! I guess after drinking that it would be knickers off. Best save it for a day when we have villa gravity. 😉

    I put the recipe into my drink recipe tab and we will make this while there!

    Thnx and Happy Sunday!

    • onawhimstjohn says:

      They are fabulous – no mix just a true Mexican margarita (they don’t use a mix in Mexico 🙂 ) The first sip makes you shudder and from there on out they are w o n d e r f u l

  5. Coden says:

    Yum – I can’t wait to try it as I do not like margarita’s from any of the Mexican restaurants we have here because they are all from mixes. Ick!!

    Thnx again! 🙂

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