It’s Amazing What Mistakes You Almost Make !!!!

Not by Les – me !!!!!

Les is working on scaffolding today so stay tuned as I hope more pictures will be available to post tomorrow, so in the meantime I thought I would post about my near miss with windows.

As far as window placement goes I thought I had everything perfectly laid out………not !!!! As you know by now, eventually we will be removing the load bearing wall in our living space therefore opening up the area and allowing us to have a small dining table and a much larger sofa and living area  – OK “much larger” is all relative when you live in a small *cottage* (for the want of a better description) on St John.  As we are replacing the windows I tried to plan if the windows should stay where they are now making Les’  life much easier or, if we should move them (requiring him having to reframe them all) so that when we are sitting in our dining room and on our new sofa we have the best view and the best wall space for TV placement etc.  As you know me by now, you know what I decided – yep move them – some only by a few inches others, well, a bit more.

When we were in Kansas City we found a new sofa and console for our new space so upon arriving home, out came the painters tape and off I got to marking the sofa and console on the floor/wall.  The console is actually longer than the space between the windows but it’s OK as it is a low piece of furniture so it won’t be a problem as it can extend under the window………..that is where the problem was discovered.  When we remove the load bearing wall, the sofa is pretty much limited to where it can go in the room so we can still move around it and get to the dining space,  well when I looked at the center of the sofa and where the center of the console would be and therefore the TV,  I noticed that half of the console would be way under one window and about 24″ from the start of other window so it would no be centered (I have this need for everything to be symmetrical – I’m sure there is a term for it but being a pain works just fine) so I spent a good amount of time yesterday moving windows around so that now we are all centered – thank goodness I figured it out before Les installed the windows.

Sofa taped on floor – you can see corners, cushions and center of cushions 🙂

Painters tape marking center of console, TV and start of windows 

What it might have looked like

What it will look like now I’ve moved the window


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