1st Level Scaffolding Almost Up………..Only 16′ off the ground !!!!!

OK, don’t faint as I nearly did watching him build the scaffolding but he made great progress on the 4th (no we did not go to the parade “we” built scaffolding instead – much more important 🙂 )

Scaffolding is important, as all of our old T1-11 siding is about to be torn off – thank God.  It was about at the end of it’s lifespan when we purchased the house 7 years ago and only now are we getting around to it.   Part of the reason why it has taken so long is we could never figure out how to actually remove the old T1-11 and replaced, and what exactly to replace it with – if we wanted to use concrete siding or another product.  We finally have decided on a product called Total Wall and it will be tinted to match the existing pale blue that the concrete section of the house is currently painted.

Total Wall requires three steps (even though we have been told by one company here just to slap it over plywood!!!) …….

  1. Remove old siding and replace with plywood
  2. Add layer of cement board
  3. Cover with mesh
  4. Cover with Total Wall
OK, four steps but who’s counting 🙂  
Here is Mondays progress with the scaffolding………
This level and the next level (yes I said next level – yikes) will be started tomorrow – stay tuned.
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4 Responses to 1st Level Scaffolding Almost Up………..Only 16′ off the ground !!!!!

  1. Coden says:

    Yikes!! That is too high for me…no way would I be up on that scaffold. Have fun you two. : )

    • onawhimstjohn says:

      I know – wait for the next level 😯 I did venture out on this level though and I must say it is very sturdy – don’t think I’ll be going out on level 2 (or 3)

  2. Lesley G says:

    I may faint. Wow. Go Les!

  3. Margo says:

    As I sit here amazed at seeing that scaffolding, I have to say, nope, couldn’t do it! Leave it to Spider-m… um, Les!

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